Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pyromancer Strategy Guide

Part one
The Basics

~Table of contents~
(to use this this just press control "f" to use the find tool and type in what you want.)

part 1 (the basics)
1. Introduction
2. Stats
3. Skills
4. Skill build
5. Item Build
part 2 (The skills)
1. Combos
2. How and when to use combos
3. Mini guides
4. Buddies And Baddies
5. Last words/ Links


For centuries, the Sacred Order has recognized
the “Flame-Touched,” those men and women filled
with a burning, if more than slightly mad, devotion
to Sol. Those Flame-Touched who serve in the Legion
are more commonly called Pyromancers for their
mastery over fire, and creatures strongly attuned
to that element.


Attack Damage=32-55
Attack Range=600 Movement speed=295
Magic Armor=5.5
Strength per level=1.5
Agility per level=1.5
Intel per level=3.2

Some Pros on Pyro:
-High dps
-High intel gain
-Very powerful ultimate that packs in a huge amount of damage early/mid game.

- usefull passive.

Some Cons on Pyro:
-No escape/blink ability
-Without items, he has low max HP



Phoenix Wave - Pyromancer sends forth a phoenix
that damages enemies in a line.

Deals 100/170/230/280 Magic damage to all targets in line.
Cooldown: 10 seconds at all levels
Mana cost 90/105/125/140

My comments:
This skill is almost exactly the same as Defiler's Wave of Death, although Wave of death does more damage. This is your bread and butter skill. Very easy to use and great for finishing off heroes. Many people underestimate this skill. Once you have reached Mid game and your Mana pool is high enough you should definetly use this on creeps to push very effectively and quickly.


Dragon Fire -
Pyromancer conjures a mighty elemental
fire dragon at a target location, damaging
and stunning enemies in an area.

Deals 90/150/210/280 Magic Damage to all targets in radius and stuns them for 1.6 seconds.
Mana Cost: 90/100/110/125
Cool-Down: 10 seconds at all levels.

My Comments: This skill is your most important skill. It has a thousand uses; Pushing, Ganking, Getting away, to name just a few. The stun in VERY use-full. The Mana cost is low and a small Cool-down of ten seconds makes THIS your number one skill.


Fervor - Pyromancer becomes further attuned
to the Flame, increasing his attack speed
and cast speed.

Every time Pyromancer casts Phoenix wave, Dragon fire, or Blazing Strike He gets a buff of +10/20/30/40 cast speed, +2/3/4/5 Movement speed per charge and +20/30/40/50 Attack speed per charge. Every time he casts a spell, He Gains one charge. This ability is Passive.

My Comments:
This skill is Use-full in many cases and helps for getting away. There is not much to say about this although the buff helps a lot and is nice to have.


Ulti: Blazing Strike - Using power granted from Sol, Pyromancer
hurls a blazing hot fireball at a target enemy,
dealing massive damage. This ability is boosted
by Staff of the Master.

Deals 450/675/950 damage at target
Mana Cost: 280/420/620
Cooldown: 150/90/55 Seconds.

My Comments: You read right. at level 16 Blazing Strike does 950 damage and has a cool-down of under a minute. This is the wow-factor in Pyromancer. Although it has a low Cool-down, I have to drill into your head right now that this is ONLY used to finish off heroes. NEVER use it on heroes with full health. I have seen too many Pyro's wasting their ult on a hero who gets away. 620 Mana may seem a lot, but thanks to Pyro's Intel gain he has huge amounts of Mana late game.

~Skill Build~

1. Dragonfire
2. Phoenix wave
3. Dragonfire
4. Phoenix wave
5. Dragonfire
6. Blazing strike
7. Dragonfire
8. Phoenix wave
8. Phoenix wave
10. Fervor
11. Blazing Strike
12. Fervor
13. Fervor
14. Fervor
15. Stats
16. Blazing strike
17-25. Stats


~Item build~

If you go mid, get a
=600 Quick mana regen and health. All you need when Soloing mid with Pyromancer.

If otherwise,
x2 = 300: You can never have enough intel items in your inventory. Pyromancer is all about Intelligence.

x2 =180 Your basic Health-regen item on any hero. Pyromancer is no exception.

x2 =100 To harass you need mana.


x2 Will help a lot early game. Intel! Intel! Intel!
(may be sold late game)


Intelligence Steamboots is a very good asset, because Pyro is all about mana regen => spell spam. This can give you an early boost in intelligence which comes in handy. Of course you also must have some movement speed.

Totem of kuldra is ideal for Pyromancer. It gives him 200% mana regen, which allows you to really start hitting the enemy over and over with your AOE nukes. Plus the active ability can give your enemy absolutely no chance. Recently, I played a game with an overfed carry dealing over 800 damage half the time. She came after me, but I used the kuldra, hit her with a pheonix wave, hit her a few times before the kuldra wore off, stunned her with the dragon fire, hit her another few times with my buffed (blazing strike) attack, and just as she got out of the stun I hit her with a wopping level 3 ultimate, and finished her off. Very satisfying, and I got over 800 gold too. If you can get this before level 16, you're in good shape for most pub games.

It gives you the ability to do 400 damage or more. This, with Totem of kuldra and all your spells will kill almost all heroes. In the bag. You will be unbeatable if played well. Many people say that SotM should be gotten before Codex. I say no. Codex is very very powerful early game for it's low cost. it has a 30 second cool-down where your Ulti (with SotM) has a 150 second cool-down. It's mana cost is MUCH less. Codex is very under-rated on Pyromancer and from personal experience codex is to be gotten before SotM

10 intel, strentgh, and agility plus it boosts you ult AND gives you 150 mana and 200 health. This is a must-have on Pyromancer...

After this, just Upgrade your

Part Two
The Skills

Combos are very use-full and there are many with Pyromancer. Combos are a string of skills or item Abilities that work well together to do a certain goal. The goal can be pushing, ganking, killing or anything you want it to be anything really. Pyromancer's Passive, Fervor, gives him a buff of movement speed, attack speed and cast speed everytime he casts a spell which makes him great for combos because he gets something more out of them then just what the combo does.


~The Pusher~
+ = if both abilities are level 4, then all targets hit by both abilities are delt 560 magic damage and are stunned 1.6 seconds at a Mana cost of 265. Don't forget that you will be granted a buff.

How and When To Use This: This is not only used to push, it should also be used to Harass. It is great for pushing. run into a creep wave and they will all attack you, then stun the creeps with Dragon Fire and then Phoenix Wave them. Annoyingly, they will not die, just have very, very low health. Kill the rest of them with a normal attack (which would be faster thanks to Fervor. This is a very easy and quick way to not only level up and get money, but to also help your team greatly mid/late game. Use this when a lane needs some pushing.

To Harass: Tell your laning buddy which one you will be targeting, so he will know to help you out. Same goes for soloing mid, although remember that no one is going to help you. Stun them With Dragon fire and go for an easy Phoenix Wave, With your buddy helping, You should get easy Bloodlust. For mid, same goes, Although you will probably not get the kill. Use this when one of the opponents is MIA and you are fighting one hero. This can also be done against two heroes, although it is a bit harder.


~The Early Game Killer~

++= 630 Magic Damage if all abilities are level one, plus the 1.6 second stun at the mana cost of 460. This will get them to very low health if not kill them, and you will probably be able to get a few regular hits in there to get the kill.
Late game this will hurt a LOT.

How and When to Use This: This Almost exactly like the pusher, although you use your ult. Very Powerful Early Game, although it loses it's power as the game goes on, you will gain items like Kuldra or Codex which will help you deal even more damage. An extra buff from Fervor helps a lot. Use this at pretty much the same times as The Pusher.

NOTE: Always Remember to get the regular hits in after Phoenix Wave, and BEFORE Blazing Strike Not after Blazing Strike, because if you start last hitting them after Blazing Strike, The opponent might get away and you just wasted all that mana.


A 3.5 second disable that turns target into a chatter mouth, a 1.6 second stun, 1910 damage, and an unspeakable Fervor movement, cast, and attack speed buff at the cost of 1165 mana.

How and When To Use This: If you find yourself in the jungle next to an enemy hero, it's time for a kill. This thing is DEVASTATING As always, Get regular hits in BEFORE Blazing Strike If the target isn't already dead. With Fervor Buffing all this you really can't escape it. Don't Be afraid to use it because of it's mana cost. By the time you get all the items it needs, your Mana regeneration and max total will be huge. This requires some skills to master, as it's a lot of button pressing, but once you have it, you will be an unstoppable late-game Pyromancer. It does 1910 damage at level 16, and codex at LEVEL 1! After you have gotten Ult Stick (SotM) you should be upgrading codex btw.


~Mini Guides~
Here Is where I will be explaining basic Game-play such as Laning Mid or Team-Fights.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

~Laning Mid~

Get bottle, and try to last hit. If the enemy is staying in one spot, try moving up and using Dragon Fire on him. If he doesn't move away, it is a sign that the opponent isn't very good and you should be able to kill him once you have Blazing Strike Get your items as you last hit and once your bottle is empty and you dont have much mana, go look for a rune and bottle it. Bottle the one you get and use it when you need to. If you want a guide on runes go to Archangel's guide (I have it under Links.)
Pushing to tower: This is to be done carefully. Only push to a tower if the enemy is dead or is missing. Hit the twer as many times as you can before it starts targeting you. Go out of range and then come back in again. Repeat this until
1. Tower is destroyed
2. Opponent comes back.
3. Another opponent comes from top/bot to push you back.

Once you have pushed a tower you can
1. call in your opponents for a hard push.
2. roam.
3. keep on pushing by yourself.


Pyromancer is a very power-full ganker thanks to his stun and ultimate. Whatever your going to do with Pyromancer, there is a good chance that it will be better to stun FIRST and then use Phoenix Wave unless you have Totem Of Kuldra. Once you placed your stun, Phoenix Wave your target. Then get a few regular hits in to ensure your Ultimate will kill the opposing hero.

Late Game Ganking: If you are alone, just use the Bloodbather. with help, use the blood-bather without your ultimate. Pretty straight-forward.

~Placing Dragon Fire~
This is undoubtedly the most important thing to learn when playing Pyromancer. It is simple yet hard task. There is one thing to remember when stunning; Timing. It's All about timing. Dragon Fire does not have very much range, so, if you cast far away you will have to move in. Dragon Fire has about 1/2 of a second cast time. Let's say you are soloing mid and you try to cast your stun on your opponent. You were a bit out of range so you move in. Your opponent moves away. What do you do? you cancel your spell by telling Pyromancer to do something else. Most lightly move some-where. This way, you don't waste precious Mana early-game. Keep doing this until you place a perfect spell and then you can use a combo on your opponent. Timing is crucial in this skill.

This is a big part of playing Pyromancer. Place a stun on as many heroes as you can and Phoenix Wave them. Try getting one target away form the others so you can use a combo on them and most- lightly kill them. Stay back. Do not go in the middle of everybody because they will surely all target you. Keep an eye on all opposing heroes as one could go missing and then come-back behind you and kill you when you could of been ready and owned him. Stay away from Big Damage-dealers like Thunder Bringer. Tell you friends to get an eye if you are facing heroes with invis.

~Buddies and Baddies~

His Aura Solves your Mana Problem! YAY!
You and Thunder Bringer together are the ultimate damage dealing Team that will make your opponents "RAGE QUIT!"

I'll ad some more later....

His Mana combustion takes away your only getting away spell, and he has a blink to make it eve harder to run from him. He is an extreme bane to all mages.
His nukes kill you because of your early game low HP. He makes laning a night-mare.

This guide is from Heroes of Newerth Forum

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