Thursday, October 22, 2009

Legionnaire Strategy Guide


Stripped of his beard (and therefore, most of his manliness) from his DotA Counterpart (Axe), Legionnaire has to make do with most of the changes in gameplay from DotA to HoN. His main role is to tank for the team while also dishing out tons of damage when enemies attack him. Legionnaire is a decent laner, but I'm going to focus on how to jungle Legionnaire in this guide. There are several differences that are now ported from DotA to HoN:

+ Creep respawn checkboxs are now smaller (you can pull creeps a little bit later and still make it in time to stack the camp)
+ Dark Troll Warlord creep camp replaced with weak Skeletons (can tackle them earlier on for great experience and gold)
+ Replacement of Troll Priests (no more difficulty pulling that creep camp)
+ Creeps don't sleep at night (easier to creep-stack and creep-pull)
- Removal of Satyr creep camp (no more purge, but less weak creeps to deal with)
- No more Berserker's Call/Taunt functionality on neutrals (cannot manipulate their AI anymore)

Why jungle Legionnaire?

  • It gives you 2 solo lanes
  • You get guaranteed gold income & don't have to focus on those tedious last-hits and denies
  • If done properly, you'll level up just as fast as a solo lane
  • You get gold very quickly
As Legionnaire, you should jungle only if the following conditions are met:
  • Legionnaire is the only jungler on your team
  • You know the basics of jungling
  • You have 2 good solo heroes that can take care of themselves early game

Originally Posted by thisisBob
Axe is a hero with a theme based on judo. When somebody attacks him he gets all pissed off and proceed to kick ass until he dies from the amount of blows he has taken. I plan to exploit that.
Skill Overview

Taunt: What's left of Axe's manliness is now transferred to this skill. Instead of doing a loud, manly roar like Berserker's Call, Legionnaire does some weak Taunt shout. Regardless, this skill is useful for chasing, ganking, initiating and tanking all at the same time! Just note that it has a VERY TINY AoE, so anyone with an IQ above 50 wouldn't let you run up to him and Taunt him. Therefore it's best to use this skill when coming from behind, chain it after an allied disable or use it after Portal Key. Goes through magic immunity.

Terrify: An even more unmanly skill than in DotA, Legionnaire now resorts to making scary faces & raging to give a DoT debuff to an enemy. Not acquired because your mana pool sucks and because the skill sucks in general. Not to mention you're in the jungle for early game.

In the wise words of thisisBob:

Originally Posted by thisisBob
Battle Hunger is here to take up space and **** you up. Learning Battle Hunger detracts your manliness. Learning Battle Hunger will also make Axe start listening to Vanilla Ice and let his mom cut his hair.

Whats this? A 25 second duration damage spell? Women wait, pussies wait, morons wait, but not Axe. This is Icefrog's trap to turn Axe from a complete melee psycho into a hiding wuss.

Battle Hunger is a damage-over-time skill with a easy-to-achieve precondition. It tempt opponents into hitting creeps so that Axe can run in and chop him up. Unfortunately, even with the buffed mana cost and cooldown, Axe cannot use this effectively if he still wants space to do Berserker Call, Culling Blade and Blink Dagger.

Furthermore, unlike other DoTs, Battle Hunger doesn't have a secondary side effect such as slow or silence. It lasts too long for it to become effective and team fights and unlike other nukes, I find it only to be useful for 1/4 of the game.

Thus, this strategy guide does not require Axe to learn Battle Hunger.
Whirling Blade: The skill that defines Axe and Legionnaire. Luckily, Legionnaire didn't lose any of his manliness from this skill port. Anyway, Whirling Blade is what lets you jungle in the first place, not to mention making enemies fear to attack you. The more units that are attacking you, the more Legionnaire will own face. Not as good late-game since it's physical damage, but it's still an awesome skill.

Know that it procs at the beginning of the enemy's attack animation, and not after the projectile hits you.

Decapitate: Instead of purging the weak from Axe's sight, Legionnaire gets to hack off someone's head when using this skill. Not a bad change I guess. Use decapitate to finish off low HP heroes, but if you know for sure that an enemy is going to die in one of your ganks, don't killsteal with this skill. The skill has a pretty low cooldown though, so don't hesitate to use it either. Great finisher because it goes through Accursed's annoying ultimate and through magic immunity.

Skill Build

1. Whirling Blade
2. Taunt
3. Whirling Blade
4. Taunt
5. Whirling Blade
6. Decapitate
7. Taunt/Whirling Blade
8. Taunt
9. Whirling Blade/Taunt
10. Stats
11. Decapitate
12. Stats/Terrify
13. Stats
14. Stats
15. Stats
16. Decapitate
17. Stats
18. Stats
19. Stats
20. Stats
21. Stats
22. Terrify/Stats
23. Terrify
24. Terrify
25. Terrify

Justification: Whirling Blade is maxed over Taunt (up to level 5) because you'll be jungling more than ganking. If your allies ask for a gank and there's a high probability of getting a kill or two in the nearby lane, the few levels of Taunt before level 5 should be enough. If you don't anticipate ganking, max Whirling Blade before maxing Taunt. Take Decapitate whenever it's available. Stats are acquired over Terrify because your mana pool is very small (you'll need the mana for your skill combo). Get 1 point in Terrify if there's a hero on the enemy team that has a Portal Key to disable it for a while.

Item Build

Starting Items
(590) or (593)

2x Iron Buckler + Runes of the Blight or Iron Buckler + Runes of the Blight + Monkey Courier + Minor Totem

Since you're going to jungle Legionnaire until you get your Portal Key (and perhaps a bit more after that), you'll require damage reduction right from the start. Putting 2 Iron Bucklers on Legionnaire is the most cost-efficient method for protection early in the game. 1 set of Runes of the Blight is taken for potential double creep-stacking (more info on that later) and provides you with a little bit of HP regeneration.

If your support teammates are too stingy/selfish to purchase a Courier for the team, purchase one yourself (follow the second option for starting items) - you will need that Courier.

Items During the Jungling Phase

Healing Potion (100)

Normally you'll consume ~2 healing potions until you acquire your Lifetube, so have the Courier fetch you those when you're low on HP (or before you get low on HP). Take as many as you need (2-3 is enough for most games). Make sure not to use this while you're poisoned by the Ebulas (Thanks to Anx).

Iron Buckler (250)

Just make sure you have 2 of these in your inventory at some point between levels 1-6.

Lifetube (875)

The item that will immensely help you stay in the jungle. If you're tackling some intensely stacked camps though (4 times or more), Healing Potions will be better, though you'll need this for your Helm of the Black Legion later.

Marchers (500)

Gives Legionnaire more mobility to move from camp to camp faster.

Wards of Sight (200)

If the enemies gank you in the jungle, invest in a set of Wards of Sight to avoid them (and to gain vision of bottom rune). Only do this if your support teammates are too stingy to buy some for you.

Core Items

Portal Key (2150)

Helm of the Black Legion (2225)

Power Supply (519)

After acquiring Lifetube, you'll have a lot of flexibility to get your core items. If you're farming relatively well and the enemies don't gank you, farm straight for Portal Key. If you don't feel like you're farming fast enough (or you want to move more swiftly from camp to camp), get Marchers before farming Portal Key. If you feel endangered/your teammates need immediate help, get Beast Heart to complete Helm of the Legion for more protection.

Whatever the case, you must be able to farm that Portal Key! It allows you to gank, disable, chase and escape much more easily. Afterward, upgrade those Marchers into Enhanced Marchers, as those give Legionnaire some needed armor as well as more mobility. Eventually you'll finish Helm of the Black Legion at one point or another to make room for other items.

Oh and get that Power Supply; it's the perfect item that takes care of all of Legionnaire's mana needs, and more.

Choice of Boots

Steam Boots (1490)

This pair of boots gives him more initial movespeed, +5 stats and +5 to one stat of your choice (you'll most likely be using the Intelligence version for early-mid game).

Enhanced Marchers (1500)

Get this if you feel the need for the Phase ability. The choice of boots could go either way now because of the removal of armor from Steam Boots.

Post Haste (2700)

Get Post Haste if it's late into the game and you feel the need for extra mobility.

Optional Items

Logger's Hatchet (225)

Get this if you want to replace 1 Iron Buckler to deal more damage to neutrals.

Shaman's Headdress (2050)

Get Shaman's Headdress if there are a lot of nukes flying around (especially AoE ones). Replace Helm of the Black Legion with this if you feel that physical attacks won't be a problem for a decent portion of the game.

Plate Mail (1400)

Get Plate Mail if you're against a lot of hard physical hitters to tank longer, and if you're comfortable with the amount of HP you have to withstand nukes.

Luxury Items

Behemoth's Heart (5500)

Acquire your luxury items depending on the situation: Behemoth's Heart is great for practically all situations, so you can't really go wrong with that.

Frostfield Plate (4700)

If the enemy has lots of physical DPS (or if you need an AoE snare), upgrade that Plate Mail from before into Frostfield Plate.

Mock of Brilliance (5150)

If you're confident in your tanking abilities at this point, aim for a Mock of Brilliance to have more presence in team battles.

Barrier Idol (3653)

Get this as an upgrade to Shaman's Headdress, especially if there are lots of enemy AoE nukes.

Snake Bracelet (1800)

Get Snake Bracelet after getting sufficient HP to increase your EHP dramatically.


Iron Buckler stacking mechanics, showing why you shouldn't get more than 2 Iron Bucklers:

1 Iron Buckler: 60% chance to block 20 damage ; 0.6 x 20 = 12 average damage block from each attack
2 Iron Bucklers: 1 - (1-0.6)(1-0.6) = 1 - (0.4)(0.4) = 1 - 0.16 = 0.84 = 84% chance to block 20 damage; 0.84 x 20 = 16.8 average damage block from each attack
3 Iron Bucklers: 1 - (1-0.6)(1-0.6)(1-0.6) = 1 - (0.4)(0.4)(0.4) = 1 - 0.064 = 0.936 = 93.6% chance to block 20 damage; 0.936 x 20 = 18.72 average damage block from each attack

Items to Avoid

Whispering Helm

Legionnaire does pitiful physical DPS, thus not making use of the lifesteal. Don't even think about upgrading this to Symbol of Rage; Legionnaire gains way more benefits from Behemoth's Heart than from Symbol of Rage.

Pure DPS items (Riftshards, Runed Axe, Savage Mace, Flayer, etc.)

Once again, Legionnaire isn't a carry hero; don't play him as one.

Geometer's Bane

Having 3 spinning heroes can be fun, but this item won't do you much good in the end because it doesn't synergize with you very well. Legionnaire doesn't rely on physical attacks to do damage and his images will die pretty fast anyway.

Barbed Armor

This may look good on Legionnaire, but your amazing armor boost from Taunt makes this reflect little damage, not to mention that the damage reflected is already reduced by magic armor.

Charged Hammer

This item gives you very little benefits. Have one of your agility carry allies buy it and use it on you if you want to have the static charge buff that badly.

Other Morph Attack items (Brutalizer, Shield Breaker, Hack & Slash, Frostwolf's Skull, Elder Parasite, etc.)

Legionnaire has no need for any attack modifiers. He doesn't deal his damage to enemies by physically attacking them - leave that to the carries.

Jungle Basics

Before you jungle, make sure you know the basic information about the jungle, such as:
  • "Jungling" is an act of neutral creeping starting from Level 1
  • Neutral creeps first spawn at 0:30 after the lane creeps spawn.
  • Each neutral creep camp will respawn their creeps every minute, at x:00, provided there aren't any corpses, gadgets (including Wards of Sight and Wards of Revelation) or other units in the creep respawn checkbox area
  • The neutral creep checkbox is the trigger that will determine whether the camp will respawn or not; if the information above is true, then it will respawn the creeps.
  • Creep stack camps by pulling them away from the spawn location when the timer reaches ~x:52 (the most error-free time)
  • Corpses take approximately 17 seconds to decay; this means all creeps should be dead at x:43, at the LATEST, if you want the camp to respawn.
  • Minotaurs, Vulture Lords and Catman Champions will use their AoE spells when there are 3 or more units in a small AoE
  • Creep pulling (not to be confused with creep stacking) is the act of pulling neutral creeps into the lane, in order to draw your allied creeps' aggro to lure them in, in case you have a troublesome creep camp to deal with/you're low on HP. Pull the creeps from the camp into the lane at x:15/x:45.
  • In most cases, aim for the creep with the highest HP when you're jungling with Legionnaire. Wolf Commanders prioritize themselves as targets above all other creeps, as their Damage Aura is really dangerous to Legionnaire.
  • In general, Legionnaire should tackle creep camps with 5+ creeps for more efficiency and to minimize time and HP lost.
This guide is from Heroes of Newerth forum

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