Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Big Item Guide 1.4 - 1.5 Protective + Combative

1.4 Protective Items

Barbed Armor 2700 $ Blademail in Dota

Gives damage return active ability. Good on, no heroes, not even Legionarre. Its bad, stay away from this at all costs.

Helm of the Black Legion 2225 $
Vanguard in Dota

Gives 300 hp, 6 hp regen, and on averege 28 damage block (0.7x40). All this in one itemslot. Im going to be honest with you, i never build this. As a general rule for this item: 28 damage block is very good versus creeps and jungle and heroes in early game / early mid. But later in mid game and lategame the block does not do much. 28 damage block vs 250 damage hero is as you know not much. Its also quite expensive, you pay alot for the block.
Never the less, its good if you have a hard time surviving or you are in desperate need of survival. I personally prefer 2 or 3 bracers for 1000/1500 gold for 228 / 334 HP if im in desperate need of hp. Two different routes, you chose!

Legionnaire - Good if you face alot of physical damage. 3-5 heroes with no nukes and only physical attacks.

Good when you are doing really bad and facing alot of physical damage.

Magebane - This guy needs all the HP he can get and needs item slot.
Defilier - If you have done really bad and desperatly need some HP.
Armaddon - Works with his hard back. Quite good.

Bad when you are doing really well and surviving fine. If you do really well and want HP/Survival use that beast heart for a Behemoths Heart instead.

¤%&# #¤%@ @$#% is what comes out of my mouth when i dont net the frag because i get blocked for the -40 damage on the last hit and my team mate "helps" me and says "gj" after he snatched the frag.

Shaman Headress 2050 $ Hood of defiance/Hood in Dota

Grants 10 magic armor (30 % additional reduce of magic damage) and 8 HP regen. Good on tanks if you are facing 2-5 casters. Never get it if you dont face any casters. General rule: If your hero has high HP the headdress is good. If your hero has low HP Headress is NOT so good. On most agility heroes Shrunken Head is better because they fear spell damage AND disabels which Shaman Headress does not protect against. Tankers purpose are to be disabled.

Devourer - Reduces decay damage to yourself.

Legionnaire - Tank.
Armaddon - Tank.
Accursed - Tank, Supporter.
Jereziah - Tank supporter, tends to get focused. Repel is better cast on an allied carry hero.
Pharaoh - Roamer, Semi-tank.
Electrician - Roamer, Tank.
Kraken - Tank.
Pebbeles - Tank.
Wildsoul - Tankish.
Zephyr - Semi-Tank.
Magmus - Initiator, Semi-Tank .

Magebane - Stacks with his spellshield. But he has low HP to benefit of the item to its full extent.
Defiler - Useful if the enemy team has alot of spell damage (You usually stack HP on Defilier so headress is good).

Nighthound - Shrunken Head is better.
Swiftblade -
Shrunken Head is better.
Moon Queen - Shrunken Head is better.
Scout -
Shrunken Head is better.
Valkyrie - Shrunken Head is better.
Arachna - Shrunken Head is better.
Blood Hunter -
Shrunken Head is better.
Madman -
Shrunken Head is better.
Soul stealer - Shrunken Head is better.
Dark Lady -
Shrunken Head is better.
Hammerstorm -
Shrunken Head is better.
Pestilence -
Shrunken Head is better.
Maliken - Shrunken Head is better.

I think you get the point! Look at ur hero, is he a dps:er?
Then shrunken head is the way to go. Is he a tank? Shaman Headress is the way. For the casters, chose either one.

Shrunken Head 3900 $
Black King Bar/BKB in Dota Can be purged! OMFG, reported as a bug. So rigged! Better to keep some things for yourself ^^

Adds 24 damage and 10 strength. Active ability that grants magic immunity for 9 seconds with 80 seconds cooldown. Every use shortens duration with 1 second (to a minimum of 5) and cooldown with 5 seconds (to a minimum of 50). Use this on most agility heroes so that they cannot be stunned or disabled. There is nothing more dangerous than Shrunken-protected agility hero and nothing easier to kill than an agility hero without it. Its bad on tankers because it hinders them from fullfilling their role. If Legionnare uses Shrunken Head, opponent team are forced to focus other heroes since they cant target him (which they are supposed to do).This item is generally what differs a new player from an experienced one. New players never get it, experienced do.

Soulstealer - Core Item.
Tempest - Core item.
Voodoo Jester - Very useful.
Glacius - Needs this to pull his ulti off.
Hammerstorm - Core item.
War Beast - Core item.
Blood hunter - Core item.
Swiftblade - Get it after damage items.
Moon Queen - Core item
Scout - Get it after damage items.
Madman - Core item.
Dark Lady - Useful.
Pestilence - Core item.
Maliken - Core item.

Arachna - If you get disabled or focused alot, not core.
Valkyrie - If you get disabled or focused alot, not core.
Night Hound - If you tend to die to fast from spells, not core.
Thunderbringer - If you are in a team where you tend to get focused first or silenced Shrunken head is very useful.
Defiler - Can be useful, but generally she doesent need it since she deals damage even if hexed or disabeld, usually Shaman headdress is more usable since Defilers stack HP.
Torturer - Useful as a last item.

Jereziah - Can use it if he gets disabled alot.
Keeper of the Forest - Can use it if he gets silenced and disabled alot
Succubus - If you fail ulti alot in teamfights and its really important that you get it off.

Bad for:

Legionnaire - Tank, wants to be focused.
Accursed - Tank / support, also got his ultimate.
Armaddon - Tank, wants to be focused.
Pebbeles - Tank, wants to be focused.
Electrician - Tank, wants to be focused.
Kraken - Tank, wants to be focused.
Devourer - Tank, wants to be focused.

Frostifield Plate 4700 $ Shivas Guard in Dota

Adds 30 intelligence and 15 armor. Grants a -25 ias aura for enemy team. Active ability that deals 200 damage and slows in a big area of effect. Great supporter item but rarely gotten as first item. General rule: Its best to get as your second big item on following heroes:

Good for Tanks and Supporters:

Thunderbringer - Can be got after first big item.
Pyromancer - Can be got after first big item.
Blacksmith -
Can be got after first big item.
Nymphora - Can be got after first big item.
Defiler - Can be got after Sacrifical Stone.
Hellbringer -
Can be got after first big item.
Zephyr -
Can be got for armor boost in lategame.
Torturer -
Can be got after Sacrifical Stone.
Behemoth - Can be got after Portal Key.
Pebbles - Can be got after Portal Key and for armor.
Accursed - Can be got after first big item or as first big item.
Electrician - Can be got after first big item or as first big item.
Legionnare - For armor in lategame, after portal key and behemoths heart.
Keeper of the Forest - Can be got for mana in the restoration stone build.
Magmus - Can be got after Portal Key and Behemoths Heart.
Succubus - Can be got as second item.
Wretched Hag - Can be got after main item.

Bad for:

Agility heroes and damage per second heroes.

Sacrifical Stone 5050 $ Bloodstone in Dota Did you know that you sacrifice your team when you get this for the wrong hero?

Grants 450 HP and 400 MP bonus, and 150% mana regen and 6hp regen. Whenever you net a frag, you get a charge that add 1,5 MP/HP regen, reduces death timer and you lose less gold when you die. Grants allies 450 HP / 400 MP in an AOE upon your death. Has arguably the best build up in the game.General rule, if your hero is an intelligence carry or needs massive manapool / regen its good. Try to get it before 25 minutes in the game and dont get it past 40 minute mark.

Defiler - Core item.
Torturer - Can be a core item if you go that route.
Thunderbringer - He nets frags and needs mana and hp bad. Imho Kuldra build is better.
Pollywog Priest - It can be dissembled for restoration / staff of the master build.
Blacksmith - Benefits well, needs mana aswell.

Electrician: Benefits well, but he has a hard time netting frags

Pyromancer: Should get other items, posted above.
Nymphora: Should get other items, posted above.
Voodoo Jester: Should get other items.
Demented Shaman: Should get other items.
Zephyr: Should get other items.
Succubus: Should get other items
Wretched Hag: Should get other items.

All Agility heroes: BAD.

Behemoths heart 5550 $ Heart of Tarrasque/hot in Dota

Adds 35 strength, 300 hp (965 HP total) and 1 % of max health as hp regen, (usually 20-30 HP regen per second when got) . Get it sooner or later if you want survival. Its rarely a core item and its more concidered as a luxury item. Since its useful sooner or later i will only mention some special heroes where its more considered semi-core than luxury. Never hesitate to get this if you die to easy in lategame.

Legionnaire - Tank who forces heroes to focus him.
Armaddon - Low strength gain. Needs this to get really tough to slaughter. Synergies well with his hardend back.
Devourer - More HP, more decay power! Good for him.
Magmus - Needs this if he is going to tank for the team.
Maliken - Good on him since his critical is based on his % health left. Higher healthpool = more numerical HP left at 50%.

Can be got on every strength after damage items are finished.

Pebbles - Needs armor more than HP. He has a great strength gain but very low armor gain. 

Demonic Breast Plate 5550 $ Assault Curiass in Dota

Grants Armor (10 + 5 aura), IAS (40 % +15 % aura), and -5 armor aura for enemy units and buildings. The +5 armor aura not stack with the Abyssal skull +5 armor aura.
Luxury item. General rule: Get it if you need armor in lategame or increased attackspeed for strength heroes.

Pebbels: Can be got as first item after portal key.
Soulstealer: Can get this if he goes for Shield Breaker build. For a total of -15 armor on enemies.

Nice if you have Defilier on your team since her ultimate does physical damage.

Legionnare - Get after blink dagger, Behemoths heart if you dont make frostifield.
Devourer - Get after behemoths heart if you dont make frostifield.
Pestilence - Can be got as luxury.
Hammerstorm - Can be got as luxury.
Luna moonfang - Can be gotten as luxury in dota, but here in hon its a bit meh since she can use more items.
Wildsoul - Can be got as luxury.
Armaddon - Can be got after behemoths heart if you dont make Frostifield.
Predator - Can be got after damage items.
Magmus - Can be got as luxury.
Maliken - Can be got as luxury.

Generaly not that good on agility heroes. The Demonic Breast Plate is very similar to Wingbow in terms of price and bonuses but Wingbow gives bonuses that are better suited for agility heroes.

Assassins Shroud 3400 $ Lothars Edge in Dota

Adds 38 damage, 10% IAS and gives the ability to go invisible with 20% MS increase for 9 seconds, cooldown 18 seconds, deals 125 backstab damage when attacking from invisibility. Best used as an escape tool. General rule: Its only good versus people who do not buy anti-invisiablity items like blue wards or Dust of true Sight. The worse the players are, the better this item is. The better the players are, the worse this item is.

Not directly good on any hero except two.

Slither - Good for escaping after you used ulti or for placing the perfect one. (Risky if they got anti-invis).

Soulstealer - Can be got for escape and initiation, Shrunken head is much better.
Moon Queen - Can be got for escape and initiation, Shrunken head is much better.
Arachna - Can be got for escape.
Andromeda - Can be got for escape after ulti, but blink dagger is much better.
Voodoo Jester - Moved up from red to yellow. You can channel your ultimate and go invisible afterwards. However there are better items.

Behemoth - Portal Key is much better.
Pebbels - Portal key is much better.
Legionnare - Portal key is much better.
Magmus - Portal key is much better.
Maliken - Just dont use this on him.

Countered by:

Puzzle Box - Your bane. Summons have true sight at lvl 3.
Pestilence Ultimate - Waste of 3610 $

Arachna Spiderling - True sight and a slow.
Scout Wards - Has true sight.
Dust of Revelation - Costs 180 $ and gives true sight for 12 seconds.
Ward of revelation - True sight
Bound Eye - Gives true sight.
Other invisiblilty heroes on your team - Increases the incentives for the opponent team to buy true sight items.

Null Stone 5175 $ Linkens Sphere in Dota Did you know that Linken died because his own spellblock failed him?

Gives 15 to all stats, 150% mana and 6 hp regeneneration per second (285 HP / 195 MP) . Null Stone blocks one targeted spell every 20 seconds.

Ill be harsh on this one, it is really bad. The spellblock (even if fixed) is easily counterd by a phoney spell. For instance a player can throw a mediocre spell on you (i e. lvl 1 terrify, legionnaires damage over time spell) and then you are free to target for 20 seconds.

Secondly its way of too expensive. Behemoths Heart costs only 300 more and gives 1000 hp compared to this 285 HP. Heck, even Helm of the black Legion gives more HP than thisone for 3000 gold less. Even Hack and Slash is better than this one in term of survival and stats for less gold! By the time you have farmed this 195 MP does not do a great difference!
If you want spellblock, go for the reliable Shrunken Head for 3910 gold. If you really need the regen and mana bonuses get Sacrifical Stone which gives more of everything.

It also consists of a bad buildup containing 1) expensive recepie, 1325 gold 2) Blessed orb, 10 to all stats for 2100 gold is considered bad!

Avoid at all costs.

Only good versus a really bad pyromancer who iniates with his ultimate on you the entire game and never understanding why he does not deal any damage with it.

1.5 Combative Items

With combative items we increase our damage output. All casters should avoid combative items except for Codex. This is probably the hardest part to write what items are good to what hero becuase its very situational. My suggestion for all the new players is to TRY the different items and not getting stuck in the Runed Axe for every hero build. I will once again state that this is based ONLY ON MY OPINIONS and are by no means "facts" . So here is my take on this:

Elder Parasite 1900 $ Mask of Madness / mom in Dota

Grants 17% life steal and berserk active. Berserk Active gives you 75 % attackspeed and 15 % movement speed bonus for 5 seconds. But you take 20% increased damage during its duration. This item is dangerous and not recommended unless you know what you are doing. However its worth mentioning on 2 heroes.

Hammerstorm - His ultimate synergies good with this.
Chronos - He can safely attack the target. Remember, his bash skill has 2 seconds cool down. So perma bash can not be achieved. Its got for that purpose too in dota, here it does not work. Still its a potential item for Chronos.

Avoid on the rest. 20 % increase is quite hefty unless you know what ur doing!

Maliken - Im putting it here until ive tested it myself. 20% extra damage on his -20 true damage debuff seems very dangerous.
Hmm.... Perhaps i should recommend this item instead... Cause it means that i will frag them 20% easier, 5 people with Elder Parasite... B-b-b-b-bloodbath...

Codex 2850
$ +1300 $ for upgrade (4) Dagon in Dota

Gives 15/17/19/21/23 Intelligence, 3 agility, 3 strength and 9 damage. Active ability that gives a burst damage of 400 at lvl 1 for 245 mana (reduced to 300 after magic reduction), and can be upgraded 5 times for 1300 gold per upgrade. Each upgrade gives 100 damage (75 after reduction) for a total of 800 damage (600 after reduction) reduces mana cost by 20 per level (245-165) and increases cast range by 100 per level (600-1000).
Dont use it for steals only, use it as a primary nuke or a finisher.

As a general rule: Its a situational itemGet this only if you have gotten really rich early and the other team is underlevled and only if they have alot of low HP heroes. Upgrade costs 1300 gold for 75 extra damage, think twice before upgrading it.

Usable for:

Voodoo Jester - Its synergy with his curse is good. Get it fast if your gonna get it! But its usually better to let another hero on your team nuke the cursed hero. But if you dont have any nukers in your team, feel free to get Codex.

Pyromancer - If you got it fast and opposing team are underlevled.
Pebbles - If you got monster farm (beware of the mana restrictions + only if they are underleveled)
Blacksmith - If they are unde... You get the point =)
Electrician - If th...
Hellbringer - If t...
Succubus - If..

Scout - He cant farm it fast enough and its better for him to go dps route.
Torturer: Needs other items, constrained mana, and 6 second cd nuke.
Defiler - She has 5 second cooldown on her nuke and is always mana constrained.
Nymphora - Its always better to go for the support route.
Wretched Hag - There are better gear, and is mana constrained.

Runed Axe 4350 $ Battlefury In Dota

Runed axe, probably the most common damage item in pubs. If its a good or bad item is another thing. The splash damage has minimum impact in teamfights except for when playing with Tempest. Its not useless on any dps hero, its only that there are other better damage items out there like the Shield Breaker or Insanitarius on strength heroes.

However it gives +65 damage and 40% splash in 225 radius for only 4350 gold with a nice build up.
Its quite good for farming in the jungle. In the lane however, you should always try to last hit, so the splash is not that good for farming (in theory). Its always easy to kill creeps with 65+ damage.

Let me point out that Runed Axe is a VERY good as a last item if the game is very long for faster push e g you have lost a barack.
Lets not start a big discussion about it!

Good for:

Swiftblade - Gives fast damage for his ultimate and fast farm in jungle, core item.
Madman - Gives fast damage and fast farm in jungle. This is contested for sure :P.

Jereziah - Well i would say it works, but there are better builds like the supporter build.
Kraken - Sure it works.
Chronos - Works
Dark Lady - It works.
Scout - Meh.. There are better.

Accursed - He is not a dpser, he is a supporter. He attacks to slow to utilize Runed Axe.
Pestilence - There are alot better items for him (Shuriken head/Shieldbraker/
insanitarius or Hack and Slash)
War Beast - There are alot better items for him (Shuriken/shieldbreaker/insanitarius
Legionnare - He needs HP not damage, he already farms like a god.
Armaddon - He turns his back in fights, cant really attack.
Mage Bane- This is not Dota, here we can put orbs on him!
Pharaoh - He is not a dps:er
Night hound - quite bad. There are alot better routes.
Blood hunter - There are alot better builds.
Hammerstorm - There are better builds. No need to stack cleave.
Predator - There are better builds.
Magmus - Already farms and pushes like a god. Should get other items.
Maliken - Fights mostly in ranged form.

Strength heroes - In general they attack to slow to gain good benefit from the 65 + damage. If you want damage on strength heroes, its often better to get Insanitarius.


Hellflower 5025 $ Orchids Malevolence in Dota

Adds +40 damage, +20 int, 30 ias and 225% mana regen. Active ability that silences a target for 5 seconds and makes them take 20% extra damage during the duration (damage delt at end of duration). Nice supporter item, useful for intelligence heroes that deal damage but its a bit inferior to Totem of Kuldra. Very useful versus Tempest and Keeper of the Forest so they cant get ulti out. Very useful versus units with blink/leap/charge aswell. Currently we are lacking heroes that this is really good on. In Dota we had enchantress, Harbringer and silencer that could make really good use of it.

Good on:

Wretched Hag - Possible first item.
Puppet Master - Very strong on him.
Good vs Tempest so he cant pull his ulti off.
Good vs Keeper of the Forest so he cant pull his ulti off.
Good vs Leap/Charge/Blink abilites since it silences for 5 seconds.

Valkyrie - can be used on her.
Hellbringer - Can be used on him.

Generally Totem of Kuldra is better.

Mock of Brilliance 5150 $ Radiance in Dota

Radiance! Adds 60 damage and gives sparkles that deal 40 damage every second within 650 range. Great for farming and making your tank more dangerous. Hard to farm and needs to be farmed within 30 minutes to be useful. Its great for chasing, farming and disabling Portal key.

Keeper of the Forest - Great item for him.
Zephyr - Great item for him. Brilliance aura kills creeps, gives cyclones.
Armaddon - Core item.
Blood hunter - Mock of brilliance kills creeps, HP for him.
Wildsoul - Great on his summon.
Maliken - Great item for increasing his farm. Going to test it.

Pharaoh - If u can farm it, its good, but ur supposed to roam.
Jereziah - Its ok for him.
Accursed - Very meh. But it works.
Electrician - Same as Pharaoh.
Legionnare - If you have monster farm.

4850 $ Manta Style in Dota

Gives 30 agility and 10 intelligence and 10 strength (190 HP), 10 Movement speed bounus and 15 Ias. Gives the active ability to create 2 illusions of you that deal 33% damage, and takes 350 % extra damage. Dispells debuffs on use. Works best paired with a Behemoths Heart or a Wingbow.

1.42 comments: Geometers bane has recieved a heavy reduce in price, 950, new MS bonus and IAS bonus and the 190 HP buff. This is a rework, not a nerf. I consider it a great buff in HoN since it now works correct with its 190 HP bonus. This is now a monster item.

Melee Images get mana burn buff, Ranged does not since 1.34. Semi-obsolete info since it no longer gives the 50 mana burn but can still be paired with Nullfire Blade.

Can be used to dispel Keeper of the Forests ultimate if you use it after you got hit. Same goes for Slithers ultimate.

Good for:

Valkyrie - Can still be core item.
Night Hound - Can still be used after Nullfire blade or before.
Soulstealer - Still core item since 1.42.
Arachna - Can be core item since 1.42
Moon Queen - Core item since 1.42.
Magebane - Core item since 1.42. Its a monster on him.
Maliken - Luxury item.

Very good versus Keeper of the Forest and Slither.

Madman - To low health pool to use this fully, does not need movement speed bonus. Can be got as luxury item.
Scout - To low health pool to use this fully, does not need movement speed bonus.
Swiftblade - As extreme luxury.

Chronos - Cant use illusions inside his ultimate. Great in dota, bad here.
Andromeda - Moved down from yellow to red. She is not a carry.
Venomancer - Now listed in red, he is not a carry.

The Dark Lady - Looks intresting. Going to test it.
Puppet Master - Looks intresting as a luxury. Going to test it.

  Flayer 5800 $ Buriza-do Kyanon/Buriza in dota

Ill keep this short. It adds 75 damage and 20% chance for 2,2x critical strike. Good as your second big damage item but never as your first. Considered luxury. Its bad on heroes with a critical strike, it stacks with dimishing returns.

Arachna - Second damage item.
Hammerstorm - Can be used after some increased attack speed gear.
Night Hound - Can be got as a second damage item
Moon Queen - Can be got as a second damage item
Valkyrie - Can be got as a last damage item
Blood Hunter - Can be got as a last damage item
Soulstealer - Can be got as a last damage item.
Dark Lady - Can be got as a last damage item.
Predator - Can be got as a last damage item.
Wretched Hag - Can be got as last damage item in the carry build.

Swiftblade - Has critical
Madman - Has critical
Scout - Has critical
War Beast - Has critical when in wolf form.
Maliken - Has critical

Other heroes with critical.

*Note this is in dota, if anyone can confirm would be good.

Wingbow 6000 $ Butterfly in dota

Gives 30 agility, 30 damage, 30 ias, 30 evasion. Increases EHP (estimated hitpoints) vs physical attacks with 1.43 if im not mistaken. Good for most agility heroes. Get it usually as ur second big item on agility carries since its hard to farm, and builds from very bad parts. Dancing blade +25 agility for 3300 gold is the worst item in the game. Bad on heroes with evasion. With the recent change in 1.42 the buildup is a little bit nicer but is still considered hard.

Good on agility heroes without evasion.

Nighthound - Benefits very nice from this since it boosts his passive.
Chronos - Benefits fully from the evasion giving him 55% chance to evade physical attacks.
Moon Queen - Very good since her aura boosts damage given from agility.
Arachna - Same as Moon Queen
Swiftblade - can be used
Magebane - can be used
Valkyrie - can be used
Blood Hunter
- can be used
Wildsoul - can be used
Madman - can be used
Soulstealer - can be used
Dark Lady - can be used

Slither - He is a bad carry
Andromeda - She is a bad carry.

Can work on strength heroes as an ultra luxury item if one hero in the team already has demonic brestplate.

Bad on:

Scout - Evasion
Other heroes with evasion.

Countered by Savage Mace

$ Aghanims Scepter in Dota

Gives 10 to all attributes, 200 HP and 150 mana for a total of: 390 hp and 280 mana. Boosts some ultimates in the game. Consists of a very good build up. Good for some heroes:

Voodoo Jester - His ultimate gains alot from this.
Pollywog priest - His ultimate gains alot from this, Core item
Torturer - Good item, but there are a bit better builds. I put him in green though.
Demented Shaman - The item is very good on him, the increased aoe makes you easily hit both teams.
Devourer - Very good item on him.
Nymphora - Excellent item on her. Nice thought by S2.
Ophelia - Great cooldown boost on her ultimate.
Venomancer - Good on him now.
Andromeda - Well, She cant farm anything else and it gives good bonuses in small pieces.

Wretched Hag - Good item after Totem of Kuldra or Puzzle Box.
Pyromancer - Gives additional 200 damage on ultimate. Its ok but dagon gives higher damage for less gold.
Thunderbringer - In yellow now since its much cheaper, however there is better items.
Magmus - Lower cooldown, nice build up, its
Accursed - It debatable on him since people should not focus you in the first place.
Glacius - Moved from red. Can be made as a luxury.

Moon Queen - Avoid at all cost. Doesnt benefit ur ultimate that much.
Chronos - Better to farm damage gear so you deal more damage during your ultimate.
Swiftblade - Better to farm damage for your ultimate.
Succubus - Its not that catastrophicly bad, but he has alot more viable options.
Pharaoh - Gargh, still no staff of the master on him.

Useless for heroes that doesnt benefit from the ulti-boost.

Insanitaurus 2850
$ Armlet of Mordiggian in Dota

Gives good stats stats, +5 armor, +15 ias, + 9 damage and an active ability that gives 25 strength (475 HP), + 31 damage and +10 attack speed. It damages you for 35 HP / second while activiated for a total of: 25+ Ias, 65 Damage, 475 HP +5 armor and -35 HP per second (Needs to be active 13,5 seconds to nullify the HP bonus). Great bonuses indeed. Very good for fast damage on strength damage dealers. Its gives more damage in teamfights than Battlefury for only 2850 gold. General rule: Can be used for strength heroes that goes for the Shrunken Head.

Predator - Core item
Pestilence - Can be used
War Beast - Can be used
Maliken - Can be used

Hammerstorm - Can be used, but he already has fast damage (his ult). There are better gear.
Jereziah - If you go dps route, imho supporter is better.

Armaddon - Turns his back in fights.
Pharaoh - He is not a dps.
Accursed - He is not a dps.
Magmus - He is not a dps.
Behemoth - He is more of a caster.
Pebbles - Does not give enough ias, and he already has enough damage .
Devourer - Does not deal damage with his physical attack. Needs other gear.

Doom Bringer 6200 $ Divine Rapier in Dota

Adds 250 damage. Drops upon death. Never get this unless you want to bring doom on your own team. Your hero is never unkillable and if you drop this you have wasted 6200 gold if the enemy team picks it up. If the winning team gets a Doom Bringer, the losing team always have a chance to pick it up and turning the game. Its utterly useless.

Never get this.

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